Boot camp Training

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Timed Sessions
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Meets 2x Per Week
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Unlimited Number of Attendees

At Atlas Performance, our vision has always been about family unity through fitness. Our boot camp is a way bring overall health and wellness to all of our Atlas families.

The Specifics

Adult boot camp offers a fun yet healthy total body workout for every member of the family. Adults and siblings are welcome to experience challenging exercises and progressive or modified workouts to fulfill all fitness levels. Come join the Atlas Warrior experience.

  • Timed Sessions

    All adult boot camps are 60-75 minutes per session. Focus is on total body health and wellness.

  • Unlimited Number of Attendees

    We welcome all family members, parents and siblings to try our adult boot camps. Our coaches want to bridge our athletes families through fitness.

  • Meets 2x Per Week

    As athletes sessions are twice per week so are the adult boot camps. Boot camps run simultaneous to athlete training for more family participation.

Plan Pricing

Our straight forward Boot Camp Training prices, please contact Lisa Pelt for any questions.





Drop In Rate


The Atlas Experience is Unlike any other

Our programs offer next level training, conditioning, and work to help build your athlete's foundational skills for the next level.

Not sure?

Not the right program for you? You're in luck, we offer a variety of training styles/ combinations that will help your athlete at whatever level they're at.

Personal Training

Personal Training Training

Comprehensive athletic type of development for individual athlete

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Group Training

Small Group Training

For those athletes who desire specialty training

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Group Training

Large Group Training

Focus on basic key performance factors that athletes generally need to work on

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